Saturday, March 31, 2007

Yeah! I have acid reflux!

In a great mood for reasons of her own, she slung booze across the bar as if it were fairy dust. Every customer blurring into the next. No concentration. It is amazing she made it through her shift without exploding. Ecstatic from one phone call. Happy to be alive. Happy to be wasting days writing nonsense, wasting nights pouring drinks. Her state was euphoric. It all ended to fast. He walked in. Ordered a beer and sat there all night watching. Occasionally speaking some mumbo jumbo. Then he got the nerve to ask why she doesn’t wear a ring. Curious to know what her social situation was. She tends to keep that information private. Her love life is, after all, her love life. Something sacred. Whether is exists or not. Still something she doesn’t want touched by the dirt she sees and feels at times when she is working. And it never fails, anytime she admits she has a social life, it becomes jinxed. He was persistent. “Are you seeing some one?” She wasn’t sure how to answer. She thinks she is. Hopes she is. But is she? That question really made her wonder. She only mustered up a “Kinda” in hopes to satisfy the inquisitive customer. She should have just said yes because he took her answer as an opportunity. She avoided any real direct conversation with him once he began asking about going out to dinner and getting together. Trying not to offend him. Wanting him to see she wasn’t interested. Apparently she wasn’t accomplished at getting that point across. At the end of the night there were still a few vehicles in the parking lot. Ones belonging to the careful few who chose to ride with someone else to the next bar. She got in her truck and turned the key. Warmed it only briefly. Lights on and ready to head home. Pulling out of the parking lot she noticed a car pulling out behind her. She hadn’t seen anyone in the area when she walked out and most people would say good night or something. Hey it’s 2am no big deal. She pulled out. The car followed. As a bartender she always felt she had a keen sense of people. Feeling a little nervous having this car right behind her she took a road she never takes. One leading away from her house. The car behind followed. She decided to go back to the bar. Laughing at herself for behaving so childish. She knew no one would be there but the vehicles in the parking lot would be a good cover. The round trip took all of five minutes but that car was behind her for all of it. Except when she, without a blinker, pulled into the bar parking lot. The car drove past the driveway and headed north. She watched to see if she could see who it was. And it was him. The one who wanted to take her to dinner. She parked her truck, turned it off and just waited. To see if he returned. It was a little unnerving. It was obvious he was following her. Feelings came back she had forgotten she could feel. Something she hadn’t dealt with in a long time. Bringing up memories of a stalker in another lifetime. Shaking and now scared due to her own imagination she still sat in the truck and waited. Trying to catch her breath. Trying to get her heart to stop racing. Trying to convince herself she is just being paranoid. Just minutes after turning the truck off she sees a vehicle heading south. It pulled into the parking lot. Oh thank God it was one of the bar hoppers getting dropped off at his truck. She turned the key and he pulled up to her to say goodnight. She followed him south for a bit and headed home.

What is wrong with grilled cheese for breakfast…


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